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Morning Creek winter damage

June 2023 Groomer Update

We have been working on the Snocats the last 2 months changing engine oil, pulling fluid samples greasing, and cleaning, waxing. We have also replaced hydraulic, fuel and gear box filters. The 20 cat is ready to transport to Tucker for a drive train check as you might remember it was breaking cleats every week this last winter. The driver side windshield needs to be replaced to a heated one. We couldn’t get one in December last year so we had a regular glass windshield made for it to get it back grooming.

Thanks to OSSA funds to brush trails we have a contractor hired to start trail brushing after the 4th of July from Morning Creek Snopark up to Woodland to Andes to 31rd road and back Gordon creek loop.

Jess Thompson TTF Grooming Chairman