Grooming Report for Jan. 22, 2021

Today I went up on the mountain after lunch to ride trails and go cut some trees that were reported down around the Beaver slide area.  I took the V-K and chain saw and rode to 31 rd, the trails were in good shape, they have not changed since Monday.  We have 3 inches of new snow on top of the hard rained-on base, which gives lubrication for the rails and cooling.  Highway crossings are in good shape.  I did cut one tree at the bottom of the Beaver slide, about a 10 inch tree, and cut 2 more trees that were out 1/2 across the trail around Gordon Creek Loop.  Gordon Creek and Balloon Tree loops are very smooth.  The trail from Spout to Woodland has small bumps where the rotary blew snow across the trail in clearing the highway.  The trail into Morning Creek snow park is smooth as well as from the highway crossing back towards the groomer shed.  Jubilee Rd is also still smooth.  There is snow in the forecast for Sunday afternoon/evening into Monday.  We need more snow!

Jess Thompson TTF grooming chairman