Grooming Report for Dec 26, 2020

I was up on the mountain late today to do some grooming on the inner trails near the highway.  We have had about 4-5 inches of new snow, but it is wet and sticky.  We have about 18-19 inches of snow at the groomer shed now.  It is looking some better.  The creeks are frozen over, especially on Ten Eyke Meadow so I was able to level up the creek crossing. I groomed to the store and back, Morning Creek snow park, Baldy Mountain.  It didn’t groom very well but I did at least get some of the bumps out.  Hopefully it will get colder as we need cold temperatures to set the snow up.   It was 32 degrees at the groomer shed this afternoon, there was freezing rain drizzle reported during the day with very slick conditions on the highway.  There was an accident at Hill Camp on my way down the mountain as a vehicle was on its side, no one hurt.  

Be careful, have fun!

Jess Thompson TTF grooming chairman