September/October Grooming Report

We finished up on both snow cats towards the end of September,installed the push frame on the 08 without too much trouble, thanks to Allen and Larry for helping me get that done.  We ended up using a couple of snowmobile ski dollies and a floor jack to maneuver the new frame into position.  We also replaced a compactor bar spring on the 08.  We installed a cell phone antenna on the new CAT as well as an armrest on the passenger seat.  The diesel has been delivered this month, so I have requested money from OSSA to pay that bill.  Since the rain started, I need to patch a few water leaks over our bench on the south side of the building, hopefully it will warm up enough this week for me to get up on the roof.  Buckshot has volunteered to sharpen the chains on our chain saws this week and tune them up.  Thanks to him for that.  

We have spent 40 hours total time working on the CATS this summer, driven 850 miles up and down the mountain to work on them, 20 hours driving time.  Thanks to the volunteers for their time to get the CATS in shape for winter.  We spent $6,739 on both CATS.  Thanks to OSSA for the funds to do this work.

Denny Farwell, our director at large for OSSA, has requested an inventory on the shed, so I have also been working on that this summer.  It has been a trip down memory lane for me as I started grooming in the winter of 86-87 during that time we have accumulated the equipment that we have that has been donated or money raised to purchase equipment.  TTF club as well as the old Oregon Trail Snowmobile Club and Skyline Club were all involved in providing the equipment and tools we have in that building.  There are too many names to list that have provided equipment and money individually, but we send a big THANKS to all those people and clubs.

“Buckshot” Leonard Carter wants to retire as District Director for district 8, OSSA, and has been asking about who might be willing to serve in this position.  If you are interested, please contact him.  You can also contact me if you have questions as I was the district director and director at large for 11 years.

Jess Thompson TTF grooming chairman