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Broken cleat on track

Grooming report for March 3, 2023

Snocat problems this week reduced our miles but we did make it to Bone shelter, Skyline road, Elk trail, Jubilee 64rd, Chalet Shumway loop, 3719 Coyote, up through Spout to Woodland, to Andes, to 31rd, Gordan Creek loop, Balloon Tree loop, Target Meadows, to the store twice, in and out of all the Snoparks. We didn’t make to Ruckle Shelter or around McIntyre loop this week. Not a lot of new snow this week but enough to make some good trails. About 4 to 8 inches depending on which area you are at on the mountain. The 20 cat continues to break cleats and the new cat continues to have hydraulic leaks. Thanks to our drivers for keeping them going.

Jess Thompson TTF grooming chairman