Grooming Report for Feb. 18, 2022

This week we started grooming towards the end of the week when the temperatures got cold at night, getting up in the mornings at 3 a.m. to get the grooming done before it warmed up.  We made it out to 9 mile ridge going towards Ruckle, as it was too foggy to go farther with white out conditions.  Also, the same situation on McIntyre, so we groomed out to where the trail opens out onto the ridge where you can see the valley from each side, but not venturing into the white out of the ridge itself. We did have 4-6 inches of new snow, which helped a lot, but it didn’t totally give us enough snow to make the trails smooth and level as the base was very hard.  Even with 3 trips out to Baldy and back, it still has small bumps in the trail.  We could only shave the tops of the moguls off, it was so hard.  We have been around Gordon Creek, Balloon Tree loop, 3719 Coyote loop, in and out of snow parks, Andies Prairie, Pole Trail,out to Bone Springs on Jubilee, Skyline, Elk trail, Powerline trail, to the store and back 3 times.  The trails are definitely a lot better than they were, but we need more snow.  Today I went up and rode to check the Shumway/Chalet loop, it is in fair to good shape, but the dirt is showing through in places.  We really need new snow to resume grooming down there.   We are supposed to get a good dump of snow starting Saturday night through Monday, with a possible foot to 2 feet, so I really hope that happens. Jess Thompson TTF grooming chairman