Mountain Report for Feb 6, 2024

On the mountain today to check conditions and trails. It was 37 degrees at 10am when I got there and 39 degrees when I left at 11am. The trails are good for the most part and up through spout to Woodland is really good. Into Morning Creek Snopark has small bumps as from there back to 64rd. Jubilee 64rd has small bumps in the corners but the straights are good as I could run 25 to 35mph on the VK snowmobile. The trail on the backside of Baldy has a tree down but the snowmobiles are getting around it without problems. There are 2 spots of dirt showing through on the trail. The water hole on TenEyke meadow hasn’t frozen over yet as I could stick a snow pole down through it into the flowing water. Again, watch for bare spots, open water holes and flowing water in drainages. Some snow is coming later in the week and colder temps, but only 2 to 3 inches is predicted. Think Snow.

Jess Thompson TTF Grooming Chairman