July 2021 Groomers Report

This month we have all been pretty busy making a living such as wheat harvest for several of our crew as well as family events.  No work has been done on the groomers.  But we still have a few more items we need to repair before the snow flies.

The big news is, the roof on the groomer shed has been replaced by Norm Krahlman’s crew, and it really looks great!  Norm was able to work this project in between his building projects, so we didn’t have to wait until fall to get it completed. Thanks to OSSA for funding this new roof, and letting us upgrade to a snap together screwless type roof. Thanks to Denny for pushing for this style of roof, as it is completely smooth, allowing snow to slide off easily without hanging up on screws, and eventually loosening the screws.  This roof should last for a long long time. I look forward to not attempting to patch all the leaks annually.

Jess Thompson TTF grooming chairman