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Grooming Report for March 11, 2022

This week we got some new snow to groom, about 6-8 inches, and cold temperatures on Wednesday and Thursday.  We groomed out to both shelters.  We groomed Jubilee Rd, Skyline Rd, Elk Trail, Powerline, McIntyre Loop, Coyote 3719 loop, Chalet/Shumway loop, up through Spout Springs to Andies Prairie to 31 to Ruckle, Gordon Creek loop, and Balloon Tree loop.  We were in and out of all the snow parks.  We did have a breakdown on the 20 CAT and had to order some parts from Tucker which will be in the first part of the week.  Temperatures have now warmed up and will be in the upper 40’s this week-end, then a snow/rain mix is expected and continuing off and on through Wednesday.  Temperatures will be warm in the mid-30’s during the day, and should cool back down towards the end of the week, hopefully!  We won’t be doing any grooming until we get cold weather again and the snow can be worked.

Jess Thompson TTF grooming chairman